
Bus & Student Tracking

Photo of tablet running Busminder bus and student tracking software. The tablet is installed on the dash of a small school bus

Bus & Student Tracking

Introducing Safebus BusMinder: Your Solution for Safer Student Travel

Safebus Busminder Bus and student tracking revolutionizes student transportation, offering a dependable and secure means for students to commute to and from school. Leveraging cutting-edge GPS and smartcard technology, BusMinder offers educators and parents real-time insights into students’ whereabouts, whether it’s their daily school commute or exciting excursions.

A school’s responsibility for students’ well-being extends beyond the school premises. Ensuring the safety and reliability of student transportation is crucial in safeguarding their journey to and from school.

With Safebus BusMinder, schools can guarantee precise bus tracking in real time, elevating the level of security for bus-traveling students. This system is not only perfect for daily bus runs but also enhances safety and security during school excursions when the utmost care is essential.

Get started today with a free trial!
Safebus BusMinder Offers:
  • Live School Bus Tracking in Real Time
  • Instant Student Boarding Alerts Sent to Parents and School
  • Authorized Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off Locations
  • Comprehensive Student Bus Travel History
  • Multiple Student Identification Options
  • In-App Payment Convenience
  • Route Guidance Assistance
Photo of an iPad running Busminder Bus and student tracking software


Offering awareness

Parents place their trust and confidence in school transportation services, yet there exists a notable gap in accountability and transparency once a student boards a bus.

BusMinder bridges this gap, offering both schools and parents real-time tracking of students’ whereabouts throughout their journey. With customized alerts, you’ll always stay informed when a student boards or exits a bus, providing peace of mind and assurance.

Safebus BusMinder empowers schools with the capability to generate detailed reports on individual student bus usage. This enables schools to accurately itemize and bill each student per journey while identifying any non-paying users. This flexible model benefits both schools and parents, ensuring transparency in transportation costs and allowing schools to clearly communicate their fees.

Find out more on www.busminder.com.au


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